
State-of-the-Art Technologies

Providing the best possible care is only achievable through our advanced technology. We use these tools to better gauge your needs and provide precise treatment. For your convenience, our office is completely digital, making your experience a breeze.

Our digital X-rays allow us to take photos of your mouth for more accurate diagnoses with low radiation.

We use a high resolution cone beam 3D scanner to examine and diagnose the relationship accurately between your mouth, jaw and teeth.

Our dentist will perform procedures using a Zeiss and Global surgical operating microscopes, which magnifies the complex interior anatomy of your tooth.

Our electronic apex locator allows us to make computer-guided measurements of your root canal without getting radiation.

Our Triple HEPA filtered high velocity air purification system is great for eliminating aerosols up to 99.9995% of all airborne particulates and pathogens, decreasing the potential spread of infections and diseases.

Our Biolase laser allow us to do better canal disinfection, surgery, and pain relief procedures.

Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) can be used for a patient who has mild to moderate dental anxiety upon request.

If you would like to learn more about our endodontic technology in Maitland, Florida, call Endodontic Associates of Orlando at 407-647-2131 and schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Sang Y. Shin.

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